Tag: Indianapolis IN
What Is a Smart Lock and Do I Need One for My Home?
In today’s competitive world, many organizations are focusing on the latest technology. The term leapfrogging refers to a drastic launch in a company’s development, and we see this every day when companies reinvent themselves or release upgraded material. Technology has improved the most basic objects, even the lock to your door, with the invention of […]
3 Disadvantages of Keyless Door Locks
As technology advances, new trends find their way into your home. In Indianapolis, a popular trend is to replace normal door locks with keyless alternatives. However, just because something is new does not necessarily mean that it is better. Unlock Indy is an honest brand that knows the locksmith industry. Before you jump on any trend, […]
Fast Auto Lock Service in Indianapolis, IN
It’s happened to the best of us. You’re busy getting groceries or kids out of the car, managing the chaos. While giving instructions and trying to make sure you have all your bags, your kids shut the car doors. The keys are inside, and your vehicle is still running. After panicking for a moment, you […]
3 Tips for Keeping Your Home Valuables Safe
Most of us take our home security for granted. We don’t like to think about having someone break into our houses, let alone take any of our valuable possessions. However, the reality is that crime is not absent from most neighborhoods, so it’s important to do what you can to ward off thieves. In our experience […]
When You’re Locked Out
It’s inevitable: Keys go missing. Locks break. You leave your purse inside the car with the engine running. Whether you’re talking home, office, auto, or small safes, sooner or later you will likely find yourself locked out. When you feel a little lost, like on the outside looking in, you don’t have to panic or give up. […]
Locked Out of Your Car in Indianapolis?
We’ve all been there: You step out of your car at the gas station, or you run into the grocery store to grab a few essentials. Of course, you’re in a hurry and ready to get home. However, you realize as you go to open your car that the door is locked and the keys are still […]
Amp Up Your Home Security
Whether you recently moved into a new home or you’d just like to make your house into a fortress, Unlock Indy can help you find solutions to your lock-related security needs. Our trained and experienced locksmiths serve the Indiana areas of Indianapolis, Carmel, and Fishers with the following residential lock services.
24-7 Emergency Locksmith in Indianapolis
We’ve all been there: You rush out the door because you’re late to a meeting or a family gathering. You think your spouse grabbed the keys or that you put them in your pocket, only to discover that you completely locked them inside the house. You can even see them sitting on the kitchen counter, […]
How to Find a Reputable Locksmith
You’ve locked your keys inside your home, and all you have is your cellphone. You know you need to call a locksmith, but as you scroll through your Google search for “unlock house,” you don’t know how to decipher a quality locksmith from the sketchy ones. Can you really take them at face value? In […]