Category: Locksmith
Why Deadbolt Installation Is Essential for Home Security
Imagine this—you’ve spent countless hours making your house a home, a sanctuary where you and your family can feel safe. But how secure is it, really? While a standard doorknob lock might seem like enough, it’s often not enough of a deterrent to would-be intruders. That’s where the heroes of home security—deadbolts—come into play. At Unlock […]
4 Ways Unlock Indy Can Beef up Your Home Security
When it comes to protecting your home and loved ones, investing in high-quality locks and security measures is essential. While DIY solutions can be tempting, hiring Unlock Indy can provide an extra layer of security and peace of mind. Let’s look at four ways we can beef up your home security.
5 Telltale Signs You Need a New Safe
As a responsible homeowner or business owner, your top priority is to keep your valuables and important documents safe and secure. One of the ways to achieve this is by investing in a high-quality safe and lock system. However, even the best safes can encounter problems over time, and one of the most common issues […]
3 Reasons Smart Locks Are Worth the Investment
Locks have been around for centuries to ensure our homes, businesses, and belongings are safe and secure. However, with the advancement of technology, traditional locks are becoming outdated. Smart locks are the new craze in the market, but are smart locks worth the investment? Unlock Indy, LLC is here to share three reasons we think […]
Can a Locksmith Make a Key without the Original?
When it comes to your home security, having the right keys is essential. But, what happens if you lose one of them? Is it possible for a locksmith to make you a new key without the original? Let’s take a look at how Unlock Indy can help in this situation.
5 Tips to Help You Organize Your Keys
Have you accumulated more keys over the years than you know what to do with? If so, you’re not alone. Between apartments, houses, and various locks, many people soon find themselves with a heavy key ring. So, Unlock Indy is giving you five tips to help you organize your keys and never lose them again!
4 Surprising Facts about Burglaries
Protecting your home from burglary is important. That’s why so many choose to couple their traditional locks and keys with automated security systems. Yet, surprisingly, burglaries continue to cost homeowners millions every year in insurance claims and lock replacements. If that’s not enough to alarm you, then let’s look at some other surprising facts about […]
3 Ways to Improve Home Security on a Budget
Improving your home’s security shouldn’t break the bank. But, there are several ways you can improve home security on a budget. At Unlock Indy, we love helping homeowners feel safe and secure in their dwellings. And sometimes, the smallest changes can make a world of difference. So, here are three ways to improve home security […]
3 Ways to Identify a Locksmith Scam
Keys provide you with access to the most important things in your life. These things might include your car, home, business, or even an in-home safe. No matter the case, keys play an essential role in our everyday lives; so when they go missing, anxiety and worry go through the roof. What can compound your […]
5 Interesting Facts about Locks and Keys
In today’s society, we often take our security for granted. We use various technologies to keep our homes, families, and possessions safe, but perhaps the most popular and reliable is the lock and key. However, most people will be amazed to know that locks and keys haven’t always been used. But, as you might expect, […]